Ashley è stato il mio teacher per un ciclo di lezioni private e personalizzate che mi hanno aiutata molto a migliorare e ad avere più sicurezza nel parlare inglese.
È stata una bellissima esperienza e raccomando Ashley per la sua professionalità e disponibilità! E poi... he is very funny! :)
Francesca, London, UK
Obviously, I do need to write something about my favourite teacher.
I say that because he was my first and unforgettable teacher.
He taught me a lot about how to
speak English. He is well qualified, amazingly happy all the time,
willing and committed to teach and also he has a great
methodology to teach his students which makes great difference.
The class always was dynamic in order to never get bored his
students. When I first went to school I was feeling afraid of
learning English and I could speak only
a few words. However,
he was such a kind person and welcomed me so nice. Ashley always
assisted us with our difficulties. I studied with him for 10 weeks and certainly we enjoyed ourselves at that point. It was so rewarding. What's more, the most important thing that he taught me was to never give up, because speak English is possible for everyone who believes. Therefore I strongly recommend learning English with him or any other language that he also is able to teach.
He is so smart! Anyone who is looking for an amazing teacher will not be disappointed to
have him as a teacher. Don't miss this opportunity!
Thatiara De Lima, Brazil
When i was his student. Dominated by knowledge and enjoyableness, his teaching is fantastic.
Everyone was delight in class. He is my teacher both in the room and outside of the classroom.
You will have a lot of knowledge and you will not boring certainly.
Jacob, Thailand
My name is Yago Sousa and I’m from Brazil. Currently, I have been living in Brisbane/Australia where I’ve been doing my exchange experience that for sure it was my best choice in whole my life because I am enjoying so much everything here.
Today, I am going to give you a gold tip about an excellent English teacher and friendly person. If you’re looking for an English teacher with a lot of knowledge and experience in teaching English language of natural and dynamic way, I suggest that you choose Ashley and I will tell you a little how it was my opportunity of having English classes with him.
First time I’ve had contact with him it was in EC Brisbane school. His classes are very cool because he is a young teacher and he has an open mind with a different approach than an old teacher and he always thinks outside the box to try to explain something for you of a simply way.
If you are chasing for this style in a teacher, you will get along with him.
Ashley is extremely available to help you in any issue and give you some advices to help you to achieve your goals in a speed way. For me, Ashley it’s a great English teacher and a friend. If you want to improve your English and know a new culture, I strongly recommend him. I’m available to answer yours issues about Ashely, it is just necessary that you send me a message on Instragram/Facebook @yagosousaaa that it will be a pleasure to assure you that Ashley is the best choice as an English teacher. I see you guys. Cheers, Yago Sousa.
A primeira vez que tive contato com o Ashley foi na escola de inglês EC BRISBANE. As suas aulas são bem legais, por ser um professor mais novo e mente aberta, que pensa fora da caixa para tentar explicar algo para você da maneira mais simples.
Se você gosta desse estilo, você vai se dar muito bem com ele. Além disso, suas aulas possuem a parte de gramática, que é um ponto muito positivo, mas eu te garanto que você vai gostar bastante.
Se você quer aprimorar seu inglês e conhecer uma cultura diferente sugiro que o procure o quanto antes. Estou disponível para sanar qualquer dúvida sobre ele, podem entrar em contato comigo pelo instagram/facebook @yagosousaaa que será um prazer responder suas dúvidas sobre ele.
Um abraço a todos e tenham bom estudos, Yago Sousa.
Yago Sousa, Brazil
He’s the best❤️
Benedetta, Italy
young and experience similar things in their daily life. Knowing this, Ashley seeks to bring their content in a
and is dedicated to the difficulties and specific requestsof students when there are doubts. I see him as a good
professional, qualified for such a responsibility.
Erick Yamatani, Brazil
And personally I think he is a very familiar and gorgeous person.
I hope your success😆😆
Urara, Japan
Consigliatissimo!! Le sue lezioni sono fantastiche e piene di contenuto. Grande Ashley ❤️
Simone, Castelnuovo, Naples
Ashley was my first English teacher when I arrived in Australia, he is amazing, very dynamic, outgoing, very attentive to the student's need. I’m very grateful for everything he had done for me!
Thiago de Jesus, Brazil
Eu adoro as aulas do Ashley! Ele é um ótimo professor e muito engraçado também! É bastante criativo, o que torna suas aulas dinâmicas e fáceis de aprender! Obrigada, professor!
I like so much the Ashley’s classes! He is a great teacher and funny too! He is very creative! Because this, your classes are dynamics and so easy to learn! Thank you teacher 🤗
Marissa O. Aquino, Brazil
Ashley è il miglior insegnante che io abbia mai avuto. Coinvolgente e mai banale riesce a svolgere la lezione con grande professionalitá.
Francesco Langella, Ottaviano, Naples
Ashley is a good and funny teacher. He can teach you, make you laugh and speak your language using actual examples for a better understanding!
Matheus, Brazil
Ashley è il miglior insegnante di inglese che io abbia mai avuto.
Le sue lezioni sono molto divertenti e il tempo con lui vola!
Consigliatissimo per chi vuole migliorare il proprio inglese senza troppa fatica ;)
Seeing is believing !
Vladimiro Martino, SHVDES, San Giorgio a Cremano, Naples
I like Ashley’s classes because he’s very dynamic and hyperactive. fills us with activities, interaction. the moments of stretching are the top of the top. let more classes with him! 🥰🎉
Sandro Gumz, Brazil
Hello my teacher Ashley is the best, his class is amazing because he is so passionate I remember all his lessons and I will have agin class with him 😏
David Orozco, Colombia
I’m great and you?
Oh, unfortunately, I can’t help you with this, because while I was studying at Browns, I didn’t have a class with you as my teacher. 😔
I remembered that we met at Paula’s birthday on a Sunday picnic at South Bank.
But I can say something from that day that you could use if you want 😉
I like Ashley because we always have funny and happy moments together.
I hope that is useful for you. Thanks! And stay safe too 😘
Ashley è un insegnate bravissimo! Molto simpatico e molto gentile. Le sue lezioni sono sempre molto leggere, imparare con il suo metodo diventa molto facile! I risultati si vedono, sono riuscita a migliorare tantissimo grazie alle nostre conversazioni molto spontanee ma piene di nuovi vocaboli. Riesce subito a farti sentire a tuo agio, diventando quasi un amico più che un professore!
Aurora Testa, Massa di Somma, Naples
Salut Ashley!
Hope you’re going well too!
I like Ashley cause is not a usual teacher, he try to captive the class and try to involve everyone! Always with smile! It’s a good things! I’m usually really shy but I felt comfortable with him and the class like a friend group of learning! I learnt a lot with him! ❤️
Clement P. Mayers, France
He is a great teacher, very professional, funny and intelligent. He helped me for 3 months and now I feel better using English in my job. I am very happy with Ashley as my teacher, thank you so much!
Tomasz Rekowski, Poland
You don't bother me, i’m so bored at home ... So I'm going to be sincere you know 😇, I really enjoyed being with you because there was discussion with you and your students. You are very funny and crazy.🤣I was happy to see you every day and I think it was the same with my classmates. The theory was good explained and the exercises too. I liked homework less because it was different than on the test (on Monday). I hope I can help you, tell me if that’s what you wanted? Thank you for everything 🥰I miss you very much and I hope to see you again.🥺
Marina Francisco, Switzerland
I’m so grateful to study from u . You are the most interesting teacher l have ever . U always can make boring English more funny 😄.
Hope u can find a fantastic job and wish u can buy your dream car 🤣🤣
Tommy, Taiwan
I loved attending ashley's classes because of the way he makes you participant on the specific daily topic. I recommend whole heartedly to follow those lessons and treasure them as they are very valuable!!!
Simone Rianna, Italy
I only attended Ashley’s lessons for a few months, but they were interesting and never boring. He is very prepared, and we had fun. we miss those lessons😘
Martina Volpe, Itay
Ashley is my favourite teacher🥰
He is always happy and very fun!
Whenever I ask a question, he always answers me politely and listens to me.
The time that Ashley taught English is my precious treasure💕💕💕
Thank you, Ashley!!
Mayuko, Japan
Ashley del Vecchio è bravissimo. Il mio livello di inglese era molto basso prima di iniziare le lezioni con lui, ma ora che sto seguendo le sue lezioni da un anno circa noto tantissimi miglioramenti.
Lo consiglio anche per chi ha un livello di inglese basso o nullo!
Ilaria Floriana, Ponticelli, Naples
He is one of the best teacher in my experience, seriously. I took wonderful lesson from him. He was so kind and loved his students, and tried to do best for us. He is also type of the person who loves music. I strongly recommend to take his lesson if you have a chance. I want to study again with him although he isn't living in Australia.
Kazu, Brisbane,Japan
Ashley was my English teacher in Australia, his classes were very practical and entertaining, he is the best teacher ever !
Matias, Argentina
I like Ashley's class because easy to understand and very fun!
He explains to me clearly.
I enjoyed his class everytime✨
Natsumi Matsukawa, Japan
Ashley was my English teacher in Australia, so I can say that he is a wonderful teacher, his personality is unique, that makes him a remarkable and unforgettable person, who can be trusted. He always wants to help students and gives the best of him in each lesson
Carolina, Columbia
"Be Ashley's student was amazing. He is always happy, lessons with him are intresting and he understand us in every moment. A great teacher" ❤
Renato Maurelli, Italy
I’ve been learning with you. It was really funny and full of knowledge. I hope to learn with you again. I really need you in my every class.
First, Thailand
I really appreciate my class with Ashley. It was funny, the time was running fast and the courses were really nice ! Ashley is a very good teacher !
Jules Brouche, France
Ashley è il miglior professore madrelingua che abbia mai avuto.Molto preparato,il
Tempo con lui sembrano quasi volare.Le lezioni sono molto divertenti e interattive,grazie al suo aiuto sono molto migliorata in Inglese.Ottimo modo di insegnare,la materia non è per niente forzata e si impara facilmente,molto presente e paziente,se non hai capito qualcosa è lì a spiegartelo.Vi consiglio vivamente di contattarlo per apprendere l’inglese.
Benedetta Ferraro, Ottaviano, Naples
I like your classes because they are very dynamic, we are always doing something.
Leo Klettenberg, Brazil
Cristiano Cristiano, Italy
It made me feel relaxed and stress free in Ashley's class. I think this is important in learning English.😀
Doris, Taiwan
How are you???
Thank you for lovely message!
It’s really good attempt!🥺
Actually I never join your class.
But I really wanted get your class😢I hope I get your online class🌸
I can say you are wonderful person and so friendly and kind !
I’m looking forward to see you again😉✨
Hinata Nakamura, Japan
Ivana B, Italy
Luisa Seixas Hamza, Brazil
He is the best teacher in the universe
Laura Gomez Montoya, Colombia
Hyorim Kay Kim, South Korea
Henrique Reis, Brazil
Yusuke Okamoto, Japan
Joanna, Taiwan
Ana Sloniak, Brazil
Ashley è molto bravo in quello che fa, ci mette passione e dedizione. Molto materno e generoso con i suoi studenti, cioè non lo esonera dal suo dovere di insegnare e di far capire ai suoi alunni la materia. Senza ombra di dubbio posso dire che è uno dei miglior insegnanti che ho incontrato, ve lo raccomando vivamente.
Alfonso Simonetti, Palma di Campania, Naples
He is friendly and popular from students, And I really think he is great teacher and recommend you to him.
Masaaki Ichinose, Japan
Pair Phitchaya Thailand
wonderful person who teaches english with pleasure. My best teacher
Arzu Süer, Turkey
I had him as teacher last year only for two months. But I can say that he is a great teacher. He is very good at explaining concepts in a clear and funny way.
Marina Armenio, Italy
Bella Kil, South Korea
The best class I had it was with Ashley. I learned every day more and more in a fun way
The only teacher (and class) I missed in my school it's with Ashely!! Best teacher
Lucas Leme, Brazil
Two years ago I met Ashley and I would never be so thankful for that.
Thanks to him I understood and improved my English beyond my expectations.
He was always so happy and this helped a lot because we all know that after 2 hours the concentration especially for teenagers get lost!
I improved my speaking and my pronunciation because he made us watch thousands of videos about everything. From the simplest to the most difficult.
His lessons were all very well organised and time was never lost.
Hi Ashley 😁. when I studied with you I feel relax, fun and funny. 😂🤣
Kawin Kanerew, Thailand
Ashley ! It been a while haven’t seen. How are you doing so far? Your class was very fun and enjoyed! Because you always prepare interesting stuff and you brought sweet candy for interesting question! So l like attending your class! Thanks for sending message and stay safe from coronavirus too! 😻😻😻
Suhyun, South Korea
Hey teacher! I’m not the writer person but what I enjoyed most about your classes was the interaction, you were able to make the classes funny at the same time it was focused on the important content! ❤️ much love stay save 😘😘
Monique Bortolani, Brazil
Excellent person who teaches English, I say that because he does not follow a traditional and boring teacher methods. Easy learning, always communicative, participative and funny classes. The best months in the school. Love u
Roger, Brazil
I liked that part of the teacher. You are good teacher Ashley!!!
Stay safe with coronavirus!!😁😁
Ida Jeong, South Korea
Caroline, South Korea
I like your class because the story you spoke to us was funny like horror story with your friends 😂
And it was easy to understand about what I asked you some questions.
You might feel like it's hard to teach online first time,but you can do better I think
Good luck 👍