

with Ashley


What time zone are you in?
I live in the Netherlands (Holland) so I use Central European Time 

My timezone is different, is this a problem?
Definitely not! I work with students all over the world such as Australia, China, UAE and Europe


How long are the lessons?
The standard lesson time is one hour, however, this can be changed if requested

Why do you teach online?
I have chosen to continue teaching online during the pandemic as I believe that education is universal and
no student, regardless of age or needs, should be unable to continue working with a favoured teacher or tutor. I have moved from Australia to Europe and continue working with students all over the world. I enjoy the muticultural aspect of tutoring students in various countries in Europe, Australia, Asia and the Middle East.

I also find that lessons are much more efficient online than in person, as there is no space for distraction online and it is rare that I am delayed due to traffic or lessons running overtime with online lessons, however, this is usually a problem when teaching face-to-face in large cities with traffic issues.

Is it possible to have face-to-face lessons? (in-person)?
Yes, I give "normal" face-to-face lessons in Papendrecht and Dordrecht, the Netherlands. 

What are the nationalities of past students?
I have taught almost every nationality in the world, including Chinese, Australian, NZ, Indonesian, Japanese, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Thaiwanese, Thai, PNG, South Korean, Mongolian, Kazhakstani, Uzbekistani, Colombian, Mexican, Venezuelan, Brazilian, Uruguayan, British, French, Italian, Portuguese, German, Swiss, Danish, Swedish, Russian, Saudi Arabian, UAE, Iranian, Iraqi, Israeli, Omani, Kuwaiti...

How many lessons can I attend?

There is no minimu or maximum number of lessons to be attended, each student can have as many or as little as he/she wishes

Do you tutor other subjects besides English?
yes! I tutor all school subjects (primary and secondary) except maths. Some of the sujects I have recently tutored include English literature, fashion, essay writing, poetry, humanities and social sciences, legal studies and law, psychology and criminology 

Do you have experience with learning difficulties?
Yes, I have worked with students lernign under a number of social and educational limitations, some of which include: Autism
Attention Deficit Disorder
Anxiety Disorder

Can I email for any questions or concerns I have?
Yes always!

How long have you been teaching and tutoring?
7 years

What are your plans for the future?
After completing my PhD, I hope to work as an university professor in contemporary European and American history

What is the youngest and oldest student/s you have taught?
young children - 80+

When can I start lessons? Do you use the European or Asian school holiday calendar?
At the moment I am working in the holiday periods, so we can start immediately. Should this change, I will of course notify the students and make catch-up lessons around any vacation